
Thanks for visiting my home lab page. It's a work in progress but is mainly just a testing ground. For example, this page was created to test Cloudflare's SSL/TLS proxy since the origin server doesn't have certificates installed yet.

This server has just been updated to use Let's Encrypt. Setup was surprisingly easy.

The Name

The first usable loopback IP is The last usable loopback IP is The first two octects of the last usable loopback IP are 127.255. The 1.111B Class .xyz domains are very cheap, but only allow numeric domains with 6, 7, 8 and 9 digits. Most easy to remember domains are taken, but the loopback IP in this case is somewhat easy to remember since this lab is based arount networking.

The Old Name

The previous domain name was writeerase.tk

Executing the command "write erase" on a Cisco device typically erases the config. Doing this and then reloading the device is generally considered a "big mistake" and is usually regarded as a "bad move".

The Lab

Below you'll see a couple diagrams of my old lab. It might look like a weird design, but it was set up this way to be extremely flexible. It took a little extra work, but with a topology like this it was possible to emulate many different networks to test many different scenarios.

Physical Topology

Physical Topology

Logical Topology

Logical Topology

The Future

I'd like to add a To Do list, document the things I've done and add a Knowledge Base so I can refer back to projects and make a small portfolio. I as I learn more skills it would be nice to have something to look at and reflect on.

This new domain (previously writeerase.tk, a free domain, but only able to be registered for a year at a time) comes with basic web hosting, so I'd like to migrate to explore that at some point.

The Humorous Side of IT

The case of the 500-mile email

ADSL over Wet String

RFC 1149 - A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams on Avian Carriers

RFC 2324 - Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP/1.0)

RFC 2549 - IP over Avian Carriers with Quality of Service

RFC 2795 - The Infinite Monkey Protocol Suite (IMPS)